React Context

UIx wrapps React's Context API to provide seamless experience between ClojureScript and JVM Clojure.

The example below illustrates how Context API can be used in .cljc namespace.

  (:require [uix.core.alpha :as uix.core :refer [defcontext]]))

(defcontext *ctx*)

(defn component [f]
  (let [v (uix.core/context *ctx*)]
    [:button {:on-click f}

(defn recipe []
  (let [v (uix.core/state 0)
        f (uix.core/callback #(swap! v inc) [])]
    (uix.core/context-provider [*ctx* @v]
      [component f])))

defcontext is macro that declares a dynamic var which is bound to either React's Context object when compiled into JavaScript or to an optional value when running on JVM.

context-provider is a macro that resembles clojure.core/binding syntax and in fact when running on JVM all it does is creating a binding to a value for provided dynamic var. For ClojureScript the macro emits React's Context provider that binds specified context to the value for a given components sub-tree.

context hook reads current value from the context var.

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